Default Data

Project Information

When you start astah* share for the first time, it has the default project information as below.

Project name Registered members Registered astah files
Project01 user01, user02 Welcome_astah_share.asta

User Information

When you start astah* share for the first time, it has the default user information as below.

User Name Email address Password Description
jsadmin jsadmin Administrator
user01 user01 User
user02 user02 User
We strongly advise you to change Administrator's email address and password after astah* share is installed.

Role Information

When you start astah* share for the first time, each user has a role by default. Please change the role by astah* share administrator or the project owner if necessary.

User Project Roles System Role
jsadmin Project owner astah* share administrator
All users except jsadmin Member