Structure Tree

This page explains about Structure Tree, that is shown in left top pane of astah* share screen. The Structure Tree shows hierarchy of Projects and astah files.

Where is Structure Tree

  1. Login to astah* share
  2. Structure Tree will be shown in the left top pane of astah* share

Structure Tree

Hierarchy of Structure Tree

Structure Tree displays a list of "Projects and its contents, astah file" and also a list of "astah files and its contents (models)".
Projects and its contents, astah file astah files and its contents (models)

  1. Double-click a astah file in Structure Tree
  2. Contents of selected astah file will be displayed in Structure Tree. To view a diagram in Contents view, select the diagram.
  3. To see another astah file and its content, select [Go back to astah file list]

What Structure Tree displays

The Structure Tree displays following contents.

If a model has more models under itself, it should have a triangle icon ( closedelta, openddelta)on the left side of the model.By clicking the icon, you are able to view the hierarchy, and then click the icon again to close it.

Synchronize with Contents View

Selections in Structure Tree synchronize with contents view. The table below describes when you select what in Structure Tree, what shows in Contents view.

Selection in Structure Tree What displays in Contents View
Project astah file list (a list of astah files that consist the Project)
astah File Diagram list (a list of diagrams that are included in the astah file)
Diagram Selected Diagram image