
astah* share License

A License file(astah_share_license.xml) is a file to identify which edition of astah* share you use. astah* share will function as FreeEdition if no license is specified. So in order to use upper edition than FreeEdition, you need to purchase and set up a license file.

How to obtain License File

  1. Purchase astah* share license (See steps for purchasing and using astah* share)
  2. Access astah Homepage
  3. Select [ChangeVision Members] from the top menu then register with ChangeVision Members service (only if you are not a member yet)
  4. Login to ChangeVision Members, then download and install the astah* share
  5. Select [License Registration] and enter license number and validation code that you received after you purchased astah* share
  6. A license file(astah_share_license.xml) will be sent to you via email, save the license file in a suitable folder
  7. Place the License file(astah_share_license.xml) in the %ASTAH_SHARE%\data folder

How to set up License file

  1. Launch astah* share, and then extract %ASTAH_SHARE%\server\webapps\astahshare.war
  2. Put the License file(astah_share_license.xml) in %ASTAH_SHARE%\data folder
    (i.e: C:\astah-share-2_4\data\astah_share_license.xml)
  3. Run astah* share again

How to see License Information on astah* share

  1. Access astah* share
  2. License Information is shown on left top of the screen

License Information