
How to start astah* share

How to start astah* share on Windows

  1. Double-click "startup.bat" to start astah* share. This bat file would be stored in the C:\astah-share-2_4 if you extract the archive files in "C:\"
  2. Once astah* share starts, Tomcat window opens. Do not close the Tomcat window.
  3. Wait until the message as shown below appears

2009/10/19 08:00:00 org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 12000 ms

How to start astah* share on Linux

  1. Execute "". This file would be stored in the "/usr/local/astah-share-2_4/" if you extract the archive files in "/usr/local/"

X Window System(X Server) is required to use astah* share since astah* share uses Java's AWT(AbstractWindowToolkit) to generate image information from astah files. Please download X Server or virtual X Server such as Xvfb in order to use astah* share.

If you execute Xvfb like this,

$ /usr/bin/Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x768x24 &

You need to change the DISPLAY parameter in the as shown below.

#! /bin/sh

# set your environment variable 'DISPLAY' correctly.
export DISPLAY

Stop astah* share

How to stop astah* share on Windows

Double-click "shutdown.bat". It will stop astah* share and then closes Tomcat window.

How to stop astah* share on Linux

Execute the "" 

Tomcat port numbers

astah* share uses Tomcat's Port number 7080 by default. In case 7080 is occupied, you need to specify another port number. If the 7080 is used by other software, an error like below appears in Tomcat window.

SEVERE: Error initializing endpoint Address already in use: JVM_Bind:7080

You can check what is currently connected to your computer by typing "netstat -an" in command prompt.

C:\>netstat -an
Active Connections
   Proto   Local Address;   Foreign Address   State

If status of Port 7080 is LISTENING, that means Port 7080 is occupied. If 7080 is used by another service, open "server\conf\server.xml" with text editor such as Note Pad and specify an available port number at about line 67 from the top.

(i.e.) Change the port to 9080 from 7080


Connector port="7080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" 


Connector port="9080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" 

Tomcat SSL setting

SSL is not configured yet when you first start astah* share. To enable SSL, you need to take out the comment in the serrver.xml file as example shown below. (Port 7443 is used to enable SSL connection in the example) Though if the Port is occupied, you need to configure another port number and restart astah* share after you configure. Please refer to ApacheTomcat6.0 - SSL Configuration HOW-TO for details about configuration of Tomcat SSL.


    <Connector port="7443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"
              maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"
              clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />


   <Connector port="7443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"
              maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"
              clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />