Release Note
astah* share 2.4 (04/07/2011)
New Functions
- Support for Ver.6.4 of astah* professional, astah* UML and astah* community
Existing bugs
- A thumbnail image of CRUD does not appear if its width or height exceeds 2880px
astah* share 2.3 (12/08/2010)
New Functions
- Support for Ver.6.3 of astah* professional, astah* UML and astah* community
Existing bugs
- A thumbnail image of CRUD does not appear if its width or height exceeds 2880px
astah* share 2.2.1 (09/10/2010)
Fixed bugs
- Sending test email from [Management] - [SMTP Server] fails
- The name of vertical lane in Flowchart is shown out of the lane
Existing bugs
- A thumbnail image of CRUD does not appear if its width or height exceeds 2880px
astah* share 2.2 (08/06/2010)
New Functions
- Support for Ver.6.2 of astah* professional, astah* UML and astah* community
Existing bugs
- A thumbnail image of CRUD does not appear if its width or height exceeds 2880px
astah* share 2.1 (03/05/2010)
New Functions
- Support for Requirement Diagrams
- Support for Ver.6.1 of astah* professional, astah* UML and astah* community
Fixed bugs
- CRUD would not be displayed if its width or height exceeds 2880px
- Registering .asta files fails if there is a space included in the astah* share installer path
- It is unable to add comments on the diagram if you access to it from Permalink of diagrams or comments
astah* share 2.0 (10/19/2009)
New Functions
- astah* share
- The product name has been change from JUDE/Share to astah* share
- To JUDE/Share users
- You are able to use astah* share with JUDE/Share license as long as it is released during your support period
- astah* Website
- More uploadable files
- You are able to upload files that are created by astah* community, astah* UML, astah* professional, astah* think!, JUDE/Community, JUDE/Professional and JUDE/Think!(.asta, .jude, .juth files)
- Access controlling
- New roles, Project Role and System Role are implemented
- You are able to specify access controlling to users and projects
- Improvements on User management
- Now you are able to change User name, email address and password
- Participating-project and role can be set to each user from User Management
- You are able to select and set users as astah* share administrator
- Comment filtering
- Comment filtering is implemented for comments in diagram and comment list
- Reissuing password to login astah* share
- UI Improvements on:
- Pages on Comment List
- Screen of changing thumbnails
- User Management screen
- Alert box title and icons
- advising the limit of texts to enter
Fixed bugs
- File-uploading fails on Linux Server
- Objects lose its gradation if the object is wider or taller than 2880px
- astah* share's window goes minimum size when launching astah* professional on server after files have been uploaded
- A strange rectangle appears when you have mouse over the small objects
- Progress bar fills up to 100% and freezes while uploading files from Mac client
JUDE/Share 1.1 (04/08/2009)
Supported Diagrams
UML, ER Diagram, DFD, Flowchart and Mind Map that are created by JUDE/Professional
What you can do with JUDE/Share
- Upload JUDE files (Created by JUDE/Professional) to share them with others
- Access shared contents(JUDE files) on web browser
- Add comments directly to specific models and diagrams
- Add replies to existing comments
- View comment history
JUDE/Share's advanced features
- Permalink
Permalink is a URL that points to a specific content of JUDE/Share. By specifying the permalink in web browser, it takes you to the specific content directly.
- Project Management
- User Management
- Attaching comments to specific model
So when model is moved, comments attached to the model moves together.
- Comment list in paging display (Show 10, 20 or 30 history comments on each page)
- Structure Tree
- Ability to upload multi JUDE files at the same time
- View features such as zooming, fitting in window and etc
- Ability to make comments invisible