Astah Share is a communication tool enables you to share files with others on web browser and it boosts smooth and efficient communications.
This tutorial is designed for beginners to start out Astah Share to learn the concepts of Astah Share, case studies, workflows.
(In this tutorial, Astah Share is been installed on Windows OS.)
Astah Share enables you to browse models on the browser by registering project files to Astah Share.
You are able to add comments or questions on the model through the web browser and by doing so, it promotes the discussion among the team to bear the better result. Read more.
It explains how to download an Astah Share installer and install it on Windows Server 2008.
Please read How to install Astah Share on Linux for how to install Astah Share on Linux Server. Read more.
In order to use a licensed Astah Share, you need to set up a license.
This explains how to register a license, set up license in Astah Share and then how to register users and projects to use Astah Share. Read more.
Astah Share provides you with some convenient functionalities for the team collaboration such as a Permalink which is a URL that points to a specific content
of Astah Share, Access controlling, commentings and its display filter etc. Read more.