How to login
- A login screen appears as shown below when you launch Astah Share
- Enter your email address and password
- Click [Login] button to login to Astah Share
If you check the "Remember me" box, you will be logged in automatically when you access Astah Share next time.
If either your email address or password was incorrect, you cannot login and the error message appears on top of the screen.
How to reissue a password
- Click [Forgot password?] and then it takes you to next screen
- Enter your e-mail address and click [Send]
- An e-mail containing a URL which reissues your password will be sent to your e-mail address
- When you received your e-mail, open it and access the URL in the e-mail
- Your new password will be sent to you via e-mail
After you have your password reissued, please log in to Astah Share and go to Management > User information and then change it to a new, secure password.
How to logout
- Click [logout] button on the right top of Astah Share screen
Once you are logged out successfully, the screen will return to login page.