Project management

Project managements described here can be manipulated by users have administrator role only.

Checking Project Information

  1. Login as Project Owner
  2. Go to Management > Project management
  3. Project Management Screen appears and a list of all projects shows up
  4. Checking Project Information

Sorting orders of projects:

To sort orders of listed projects, click on either of Project name or description.

On this Project management dialog, you are able to:

For each instruction, please see the description below.

Modifying project's information

  1. Login as Project Owner
  2. Go to Management > Project management
  3. Project Management screen appears, select a project you want to modify then click [Modify] button
  4. Checking Project Information

  5. Change its information and users and their roles and then click [OK] to complete the modification
  6. Modifying project's information

Deleting a project

  1. Login as Project Owner
  2. Go to Management > Project management
  3. Select a project you want to delete from list, and then click [Delete]
  4. Checking Project Information

Please be careful when you delete projects because once you delete a project, you are no longer able to access any of astah files, diagrams and comments the deleted project had.